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Perfect On Off Hack Ayodance Patch V.6067
Hotkeys + Features
-Perfect On = F3-Perfect Off = F4
-2Key = F12
-Time Hack Story = F5 (Tekan Sebelum Login)
-Knowing valuo of Perfect,Great,Cool,Bad,Miss = F7 + Enter
-Hack Emotion = F11 (press before Login)
-Auto Arrow = F12 (press before Login)
-Anti Sensor Auto ON
-Copy Data 045 to Folder/Data/Ayodance

NB :
- Extract Cheat File you've download- Copy Data "045.acv" to "Forder/Data/Ayodance"
- Emoticon & 2Key Press Before Login
- Dont press F5 if not play in main story
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